A Bit of Fabric and a Splash of Paint

I was pretty busy this last week. I finally sat down and did some stuff just for me; I did a couple projects I keep saying I’m going to and just haven’t got around to yet. Well, I got around to them, I finished them, and I am happy. That’s what important right?

Project numero uno… I have a friend who is about to become a daddy. His baby’s theme is Monsters Inc (soooo cute) so I made him a changing pad, wipe holder and some burp cloths.


Isn’t the eyeball ribbon a super cute addition? I also found some fleece and had a piece cut for him to use as a blanket (not pictured). There are so many cute fabrics at Joann Fabrics right now, I could go insane. SEW ALL THE THINGS!!!

Sticking with the sewing theme, I finally finished my Day of the Dead quilt. I have SO much fabric in this theme. I make a point to always check for something new whenever I go to the fabric store. Plus, whenever my mom goes to the fabric store in San Diego she always checks their DOTD section there and grabs me something. So what to do with all this fabric? I can continue to make things for my kitchen like place mats and pot holders, or I can let the kitchen theme spill into other parts of the house. That sounds like more fun to me. But before I finished the quilt I decided to give some pillows a makeover.

I have two pillows that are old and kind of funky. You know, the stuffing is weird from being washed and they don’t have a great shape anymore. I decided that it was either the trash or a makeover. Makeover won and they look awesome.



Even Tony approves 🙂

And now for the quilt. This is my first time making a full-size, big enough to cover up with size quilt. It has a couple measuring flaws because I eyeball measure, but it’s still 100% pure awesomesauce. The front is big squares, a couple rows of smaller solid color squares, and the back is Loteria (Mexican Bingo) fabric. It’s big enough to cover the bottom part of my queen size bed. But I use it on the couch to cover up with when I’m snugglin’ with the hub and watching TV.




Great right? I think so!! And I’ve never taken a class on quilting or anything.

When I finished my sewing projects I moved onto painting. My daughter’s school is getting a little makeover. The biggest part of the revamp is a new teachers lounge. New paint, new furniture and new cabinets. The principal wanted to make it a place where teachers may actually want to go and lounge, not just eat lunch and stare at the ugly walls. Sorry, but the school is old and has never been updated so yes, it was ugly in there. Anyway, since I am on the PTO now I decided to add my flair to the lounge. I wanted to put something on the walls that would just be a nice touch, something fun to look at. Off to Pinterest for ideas!! I searched “teacher quotes” and copied some ideas I found.


This one has a side story. I was finished painting this one and then I immediately had to update my Facebook status. It said, “That moment you are painting something having to do with education and you misspell a word.” Yep, I was just so in the groove that I wasn’t paying attention and forgot the “N” in learning. Ugh! Instead of this one being white with blue letters, it turned out blue with white letters. Still cute.



I think the teachers will appreciate them.