New Stuff & A Fundraiser

I have had some earrings laying around for months now and just got around to posting them. Not sure why. I’ve been wearing a pair of these and have given them as gifts for a couple years now but just finally decided to sell some. What are they, you ask? Let me show you.


For only $20, you get at least 5 pairs of earrings in one. Mix and match the colored and silver beads to make earrings to fit any occasion. I have 4 sets listed on my Facebook page and they vary in price based on the size of the silver hoops (the ones pictured are 1.5in and there are 2 pairs that are only 1in) and the number of beads you have to choose from. Bonus, you can wear these if you have stretched ears. I currently have open plugs in my ears so the hoops just go right through the middle. SCORE!!

Planning on spending the rest of the week making some new items so check my Facebook page for those.

You guys remember that baby gift set I was making with the mustache fabric? It’s done, has been shipped and received. When I found out my girlfriend was having a baby, I rushed out and bought the mustache fabric. It was perfect for she and her family and her new little one. I just had to wait to find out if I was going to accent it with blue or pink fabric.
That’s the entire set which includes a changing pad, wipe holder, breastfeeding cover and pillow.

This is the breastfeeding cover. Like an apron without the ties around the back.

Now, fundraiser time. As you may know if you read my previous posts, my daughter is in kindergarten and she is a Girl Scout Daisy. And….I’m the new Daisy leader. So naturally I want to find a way to raise some money for the troop without having to pimp out the girls. So I made sure it was something I could do on my own and it’s been okay’d by the Girl Scouts and here’s what I’m going to do.

For the entire month of October, 50% of the profit I make from sales will be given to the troop fund. So if you are thinking of doing some early Christmas shopping, need some new holiday decor or just want some new lovelies, October will be an awesome time to buy that. You will be contributing to my income but more importantly, helping 30 young girls do some pretty awesome and fun activities throughout the school year. Sale starts next Tuesday.

Happy Wednesday! 🙂

Mugs, Bracelets and Girls Oh My!

Even though I spent a good two whole days doing pretty much nothing, I feel like I have been going 100 miles an hour the past month. My daughter is in school now, my husband is on a month long trip, I took a trip to the east coast and next week I’m having one of my toenails removed. Sounds like loads of fun, huh? Here’s all the crafty things I’ve done in the past few weeks.

First on the list, my bestest customer is getting married soon. You guys have seen lots of the things I have made for her, the most recent was the Bridesmaids hangers for her wedding party. Since I live on the other coast and won’t be able to attend her wedding, I did some digging using my intel skills and found out when her bridal shower was and sent her a surprise.
The earrings say BRIDE and the bracelet says MRS with two green beads on the sides (green is her favorite color).

Let’s just roll with the gift giving theme. Next on the list is something I have been dying to do for my best friend but I was waiting for a reason. Well, she just had a birthday and I was going to be able to see her so I finally made these.
I saw the idea on Pinterest of course. Just like I’ve done in the past, I drew the shapes of our respective states (where we currently live) with pencil and then painted over it with acrylic paint specifically for glass. I baked the mugs per the instructions and voila. She isn’t much of a coffee or tea drinker but they are perfect for the top of a shelf.

Another friend I saw during my east coast trip was Shari. You guys know her from her photography business that I’ve plugged before. (Stay tuned soon because we are going to collaborate again) She is going to have a baby soon and asked me to paint her something to go with her Elephant theme.

Because I can’t just give her that, I also made her these.
A set of super soft burp cloths. I made these different from what I’ve done in the past and I think I’m definitely sticking to this way. I was using one piece of flannel and hemming the edges. This time I used two pieces of felt, sewed the pieces together as if making a pillow, left a small opening so I could turn them right side out and sewed the bottom. They are twice as thick and super soft. And easier to sew this way. I also owed Shari something FREE from my last Free Friday giveaway so she requested this.

Still on my trip (I was only gone for 4 days but it seems I did so much), I met a customer/friend in person for the first time. Totally NOT awkward seeing as how I have made her things in the past, talked to her on the phone and conversed via Facebook. It was just like seeing an old friend. She asked me to make her a jewelry set to represent her fight against fibromyalgia. So I made her a purple beaded bracelet with a dangling support ribbon.
She also wanted me to make her a necklace but I couldn’t find exactly what she wanted from the craft stores here in Yuma. So she went out and bought exactly what she wanted and we discussed what I’m going to do. Pictures of that coming once I’m done. But this leads me to talk about how easy it is for me to work with you. I couldn’t find what she wanted so she found it and gave me the supplies. Of course I am deducting the price of supplies from her final cost, but how easy is that? Then I know for sure that she is getting exactly what she wants. I just want everyone to know that is available to everyone.

Because I love them all and I want to post about it, here’s a photo of myself with all my east coast girlfriends. 1098427_10151553734731176_487555109_n
I hadn’t seen these girls (minus my bff on the left side) in almost 3 years. I miss them so much. We all were able to get together one night, kids and all, and just have an awesome dinner. The best part? It was like I just saw them the week before. We are all that close that it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, we just picked up where we left off. Here’s to seeing them more often!!

Okay, last on my list of updates. Did I mention that I’m a Daisy Girl Scout leader now? Oh my. Something I honestly never thought I’d do, but I’m so excited to do it. I mean, I am the craft master, this is going to be AWESOME!! I was online buying my daughter her Daisy uniform and looking for me something to wear to meetings. There isn’t a whole lot of cute stuff available. So what is a crafty mom to do? Make her own of course.
Light blue shirt, a few patches and puffy paint later and I have a super cute, one of a kind t-shirt.

And, since I was a brownie and junior in my younger days, I had my mom find my old uniforms.
They still fit!! But I can’t wear my old stuff to meetings (I mean, I guess I could but I’m not going to) so I am going to take all the patches off and make a new shirt. I have a white button up shirt that is going to be my new uniform. I am going to work on that this week so stay tuned.

Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend. Have a great week!