“Hope Jewelry”

Chrissy’s Creative Creations is proud to (finally) present, my newest jewelry venture, Hope Jewelry!! YAY!!!

I don’t think I have blogged about the horse ranch at all, so let me give you a bit of story first… Last summer, while teaching yoga, I met a couple girls. One continued coming to class and later invited my family to her sister’s horse ranch for a Hoe Down to promote her non-profit organization. I immediately was excited to just be invited somewhere and possibly have some new friends (Isn’t it hard to make friends as an adult?). We went and had an absolute blast. We are not horse people but my daughter was drawn to them. She immediately ran over to get a ride and got on like a pro. It looked like she had been riding horses all her life. So of course we wanted to find out more. Turns out this program is a FREE program. Did you read that? FREE!! We still don’t know how this is possible but it is. So we got Gwen signed up.

Flash forward, we are now friends with the ranchers and I volunteer there. To be really clear on how “friendly” we are now, I practically live there. I am always finding reasons to go hang out, whether it’s ranch related or just girl-time related. The ranch has become a huge part of our lives. I am not volunteering with the horses but I am volunteering with the “Rancher Program” that focuses on gardening, farm stuff, and crafting for kids, who for various reasons, can’t or don’t want to be around horses. If you want to get a closer look, click this —-> Reining Hope

One day I was asked if I wanted to sell some of my jewelry at the ranch. Of course my answer was yes, but I thought that an even better idea would be to make special jewelry that is tied to the ranch and have the profits go right back to the ranch. That way people can support the ranch but also see my handy work and maybe hire me at another time. “Hope Jewelry” was born.


I am currently selling earrings, rings, bracelets, and necklaces that all tie into the ranch. Here is a list of what’s for sale with photos (not all items listed have photos. You’ll have to go to my craft page for that)

Earrings: $10. You can choose between earrings that say “HOPE” in hand-bent wire, or dangle earrings with various beads and a horseshoe.


Rings: $10. All hand-bent, silver plated copper wire, in the shape of the words “Hope” or “RH” (Reining Hope)


Bracelets: $15. Hand-bent wire to say “Hope”, I ❤ RH, and I ❤ Horses. These are all made with one end of the chain longer to have a dangly horseshoe on the end to add some flare.


Necklaces: $20. The words are the same as the bracelets but just in necklace form. In addition to the hand-bent wire words, I also made hammered wire horseshoes. I literally hammer the round wire to be flat, wrap the tops with wire, and make them into a charm for a necklace. So far those have been the best seller.


If you are interested in supporting myself and the ranch and buying any jewelry, hop on over to my craft page and shoot me a message. I’ll have everything listed shortly. Shipping is included in the price, but just know that all remaining profits go right back to Reining Hope.


Everything on display at the ranch


Just to continue plugging myself, here’s my other latest wire projects. I have a friend getting married (like, almost right this moment) and she asked me to make her a hanger with her new name, and necklaces for her flower girls.



Happy Thursday, everyone! Thanks for reading!! ❤

DIY Christmas Part 2

I can’t believe I forgot to post about this stuff! Well, I take that back. I CAN in fact believe it because I have been all kinds of busy since winter arrived. My daughter was home and I was trying to keep us busy, and since my husband has actually been home since mid December we have been keeping really busy. It’s been fabulous. Even when we are busy doing nothing we are really enjoying it and not spending time on social media. So, I can believe I haven’t been blogging. But now that we are on snow day number 2 and looking at number 3 tomorrow, I have that time to sit and blog. So… here we go.

I posted about some of the things I made for Christmas presents this year but there are a bunch I didn’t because I didn’t want to ruin surprises, or I wasn’t done yet =cough, daughter’s quilt, cough=.

First up, a pair of mugs. I had seen these on one of those Facebook ads and immediately thought of a friend in Arizona. I went to dollar tree for the mugs, used my glass paint (the kind you bake so it’s permanent), and sent them off. Simple but awesome! I knew they’d be perfect.


Next up is a jewelry set I was commissioned to make. Have I said lately that returning customers are my absolute fave? Seriously. They are what keep me going in my “business” and I’m so incredibly grateful. Back to the jewelry. The recipient is an “aunt” to a beautiful young girl named Leann. So I made her a bracelet with her name and a matching pair of blue earrings. The blue and crystal beads on the clasp side of the bracelet really add something special while keeping weight on that side so the name is always on top.

Next up is something I did not make, but rather something I received. I told my husband I wanted a new address book and planner for Christmas. I had no idea what he and my daughter had in store for me. They bought simple books but went online to find handmade paper to cover the books in. The pink and purple are hand-marbled and the inside covers are cotton paper. They are extremely unique and they did all the work so they are extra super special!!!

Last on the list is the quilt I finally finished for my daughter. She LOVES it! It’s thick and warm and she has covered up with it every night since.

The quilted part is big squares of a bunch of her favorite things. There is a layer of felt under that. Then the back and binding is a piece of fleece. She loves to cover up with the fleece side and then she can see the quilted side.


Next up for Chrissy’s Creative Creations is a commissioned baby set for the same lady who commissioned the bracelet and earrings. #returningcustomer!!! Stay tuned!

DIY Christmas

It’s pretty safe to say that every Christmas I am going to make you a present. From painting to sewing to jewelry making, your present is most likely going to be homemade and from the heart. This year was no different, but I also made a ton of other holiday items.

I made my LDYBFF a whole jewelry set this year. I found some awesome charms at the store and just went to town. I made us matching mismatch earrings, an Om ring (something I made years ago for a customer and decided to revamp), a drop necklace, and a  “thing” to hang somewhere. The “thing” isn’t necessarily a keychain but you’ll get it when you see it.


I made some other presents but those haven’t been gifted yet so I am going to wait to share those. I am still in the process of making my daughter’s quilt. It’s coming along just great and it’s going to be extremely unique. I don’t ever really measure when I sew, I have also NOT had any training, so none of my rows line up and I have to piece together the back, but you know what? It’s going to look awesome, feel awesome, be super warm, and I know my daughter is going to love it. Stay tuned.

Next on the DIY list is stuff for my daughter for her last week of school. They had a spirit week and I just went to town! We went to the dollar store to get items for the “Tacky Sweater” day and then I used those to make all kinds of other things.

So, day 1, tacky sweater. You can buy those at almost every store nowadays, but it’s so much better to make your own. And my daughter won the contest for most creative. You’re welcome!


Kind of a blurry photo, but she has a Christmas tree on one side, a gingerbread man on the other, and bows! Lots of bows!!


Then on the back, more bows and bells!!! Hot glue, dollar store, a few craft supplies, and an old sweater. Tacky awesomeness!

Then I used the left over bows and presents to make earrings. Oh, and the big green bow headband. One day was “red and green” day and my daughter wanted to buy a new red dress to wear. But then she just had to have something green. So we’re walking around Target arguing and another mom walked up and said, “what about a bow or a headband or something?” Bingo!! Thanks, random mom!! I already had the headband, so we bought a huge bow, glued it to the headband, and then glued a bell in the middle so she was jingly. She was very happy with that. #winning!!

A few Saturday’s ago we attended a ranch style Christmas party and I was in charge of helping the kids make snow globes. This was really awesome and all the kids loved it. Here’s what you need. A mason jar, sand paper, figurines, super glue, water, and glitter. Pretty easy!! All you do is sand the top of the lid, glue your figurine on the lid (let it dry at least 15 minutes), fill the jar with glitter and water, put the lid on tight, and shake!


The last item on my DIY list was a Starbucks ornament. I am sure Starbucks would be mad to know I made this for FREE but I give them so much of my money that I deserve something free.

I already have 2 Starbucks ornaments, the little espresso mug and the red cup, but I don’t drink those things. I don’t drink coffee period. So I wanted one that really represented me. I only drink cold drinks but they don’t sell an ornament that’s a plastic cup, so I had to improvise. I was standing and waiting for my drink and I noticed that this particular store decorated their counter with lights and the lights were inside mini plastic cups. I asked about them and they are tester cups. I asked, “Can I have one of those please?” Grabbed a small green straw, went home, cut the straw to size, and glued it to the bottom. Added some ribbon, personalized it with my name and my favorite drink order (I should have spelled my name wrong to make it more authentic, LOL!!), and hung it on the tree.



Check back next week to see the quilt!!! Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

Cyber Monday Sale!!


All my jewelry is 50% off today!! Hop on over to my Facebook page, Chrissy’s Creative Creations, and browse the “For Sale” album! Happy Shopping!!

New Stuff & A Fundraiser

I have had some earrings laying around for months now and just got around to posting them. Not sure why. I’ve been wearing a pair of these and have given them as gifts for a couple years now but just finally decided to sell some. What are they, you ask? Let me show you.


For only $20, you get at least 5 pairs of earrings in one. Mix and match the colored and silver beads to make earrings to fit any occasion. I have 4 sets listed on my Facebook page and they vary in price based on the size of the silver hoops (the ones pictured are 1.5in and there are 2 pairs that are only 1in) and the number of beads you have to choose from. Bonus, you can wear these if you have stretched ears. I currently have open plugs in my ears so the hoops just go right through the middle. SCORE!!

Planning on spending the rest of the week making some new items so check my Facebook page for those.

You guys remember that baby gift set I was making with the mustache fabric? It’s done, has been shipped and received. When I found out my girlfriend was having a baby, I rushed out and bought the mustache fabric. It was perfect for she and her family and her new little one. I just had to wait to find out if I was going to accent it with blue or pink fabric.
That’s the entire set which includes a changing pad, wipe holder, breastfeeding cover and pillow.

This is the breastfeeding cover. Like an apron without the ties around the back.

Now, fundraiser time. As you may know if you read my previous posts, my daughter is in kindergarten and she is a Girl Scout Daisy. And….I’m the new Daisy leader. So naturally I want to find a way to raise some money for the troop without having to pimp out the girls. So I made sure it was something I could do on my own and it’s been okay’d by the Girl Scouts and here’s what I’m going to do.

For the entire month of October, 50% of the profit I make from sales will be given to the troop fund. So if you are thinking of doing some early Christmas shopping, need some new holiday decor or just want some new lovelies, October will be an awesome time to buy that. You will be contributing to my income but more importantly, helping 30 young girls do some pretty awesome and fun activities throughout the school year. Sale starts next Tuesday.

Happy Wednesday! 🙂

Mugs, Bracelets and Girls Oh My!

Even though I spent a good two whole days doing pretty much nothing, I feel like I have been going 100 miles an hour the past month. My daughter is in school now, my husband is on a month long trip, I took a trip to the east coast and next week I’m having one of my toenails removed. Sounds like loads of fun, huh? Here’s all the crafty things I’ve done in the past few weeks.

First on the list, my bestest customer is getting married soon. You guys have seen lots of the things I have made for her, the most recent was the Bridesmaids hangers for her wedding party. Since I live on the other coast and won’t be able to attend her wedding, I did some digging using my intel skills and found out when her bridal shower was and sent her a surprise.
The earrings say BRIDE and the bracelet says MRS with two green beads on the sides (green is her favorite color).

Let’s just roll with the gift giving theme. Next on the list is something I have been dying to do for my best friend but I was waiting for a reason. Well, she just had a birthday and I was going to be able to see her so I finally made these.
I saw the idea on Pinterest of course. Just like I’ve done in the past, I drew the shapes of our respective states (where we currently live) with pencil and then painted over it with acrylic paint specifically for glass. I baked the mugs per the instructions and voila. She isn’t much of a coffee or tea drinker but they are perfect for the top of a shelf.

Another friend I saw during my east coast trip was Shari. You guys know her from her photography business that I’ve plugged before. (Stay tuned soon because we are going to collaborate again) She is going to have a baby soon and asked me to paint her something to go with her Elephant theme.

Because I can’t just give her that, I also made her these.
A set of super soft burp cloths. I made these different from what I’ve done in the past and I think I’m definitely sticking to this way. I was using one piece of flannel and hemming the edges. This time I used two pieces of felt, sewed the pieces together as if making a pillow, left a small opening so I could turn them right side out and sewed the bottom. They are twice as thick and super soft. And easier to sew this way. I also owed Shari something FREE from my last Free Friday giveaway so she requested this.

Still on my trip (I was only gone for 4 days but it seems I did so much), I met a customer/friend in person for the first time. Totally NOT awkward seeing as how I have made her things in the past, talked to her on the phone and conversed via Facebook. It was just like seeing an old friend. She asked me to make her a jewelry set to represent her fight against fibromyalgia. So I made her a purple beaded bracelet with a dangling support ribbon.
She also wanted me to make her a necklace but I couldn’t find exactly what she wanted from the craft stores here in Yuma. So she went out and bought exactly what she wanted and we discussed what I’m going to do. Pictures of that coming once I’m done. But this leads me to talk about how easy it is for me to work with you. I couldn’t find what she wanted so she found it and gave me the supplies. Of course I am deducting the price of supplies from her final cost, but how easy is that? Then I know for sure that she is getting exactly what she wants. I just want everyone to know that is available to everyone.

Because I love them all and I want to post about it, here’s a photo of myself with all my east coast girlfriends. 1098427_10151553734731176_487555109_n
I hadn’t seen these girls (minus my bff on the left side) in almost 3 years. I miss them so much. We all were able to get together one night, kids and all, and just have an awesome dinner. The best part? It was like I just saw them the week before. We are all that close that it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, we just picked up where we left off. Here’s to seeing them more often!!

Okay, last on my list of updates. Did I mention that I’m a Daisy Girl Scout leader now? Oh my. Something I honestly never thought I’d do, but I’m so excited to do it. I mean, I am the craft master, this is going to be AWESOME!! I was online buying my daughter her Daisy uniform and looking for me something to wear to meetings. There isn’t a whole lot of cute stuff available. So what is a crafty mom to do? Make her own of course.
Light blue shirt, a few patches and puffy paint later and I have a super cute, one of a kind t-shirt.

And, since I was a brownie and junior in my younger days, I had my mom find my old uniforms.
They still fit!! But I can’t wear my old stuff to meetings (I mean, I guess I could but I’m not going to) so I am going to take all the patches off and make a new shirt. I have a white button up shirt that is going to be my new uniform. I am going to work on that this week so stay tuned.

Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend. Have a great week!


I am running a contest on my Facebook page. It’s super easy to enter. The winner will get to choose a piece of jewelry to have absolutely free!!

1. Go to my page and “Like” it
2. Share the original post titled FREE FRIDAY
3. Winner chosen Saturday!!

Good luck and Happy Friday!!

Yuma and Me are Like Peas and Carrots (A half crafting blog)

Title taken from one of my all time favorite movies. Second in line to Legends of the Fall. Why do I love a movie where EVERYONE dies (sorry if that spoils it for you)? Mr. Pitt of course. And if you want to know more about things I obsess about, check out my Pinterest board all about Me.  But anyhoo, back to the normally scheduled blog post. Yuma, Arizona. Not the first place I thought I would live. But boy am I happy to be here.

I grew up in southern California. When I was 19 I got married and moved to North Carolina. I had never been anywhere past El Paso, TX (except right before I got married but that’s a technicality). So I’m on the east coast. At first I was scared. I didn’t go outside too much. I was so happy to be with my husband and that was all that mattered. I met some people but it wasn’t until a couple years in that I met some really great friends and started to find out more about this east coast place. We lived there for 7 years and did so many things. We traveled all around the state. Sometimes we would drive 3 hours to Charlotte just to eat some tacos from Jack in the Box. Yes, they are THAT important. We saw the mountains, the beach, we drove to Virginia, my husband took me to D.C for the first time. We had a life there. We had a house. We became a family. We had “family” there.  So, when my husband got orders to move to Tampa, it was a bit tough. We assumed that we would love it there and then after his 3 years were up we would move back to NC and get right back into where we were before.

Boy were we wrong. At first, Tampa was awesome. But then maybe that was because my best friend (from NC) drove there with us and stayed with us for 2 weeks. I had brought a piece of “home” with me. We drove around and went to the beach and were having a blast. When she left, it all sunk in. Here I am, in a brand new place, no friends, starting all over again. Plus we are a one-car family so it’s not like I can go and explore. But, I made the best of it. I was cool with not having too many friends and being cooped up in the house all day with my daughter. Who am I kidding? It sucked. And how does a housewife make friends? She doesn’t. I am totally outgoing but I will not walk up to someone and ask them to be my friend. And it’s not like I can go out to a bar and meet people. That is just asking for trouble.  And I absolutely LOVE being a stay-at-home mom. But not having any sort of time alone is hard. Even my daughter would get sick of me. Sometimes you just need some space. One nervous breakdown later, I knew a few things had to change. I needed more ME time. I could bore you with even more details, but here’s the gist. I started making friends. I made some really good friends. And then I moved away.

We only stayed in Tampa for 2 years. But I’m not sad. I never felt a connection to Tampa. At first we thought, this is just like San Diego (where we are both from). There’s the beach, the big city, the weather is similar, this is awesome. But that faded quickly. Big city can get boring. And there wasn’t much to do that didn’t cost money. My daughter and I miss being able to go outside in the backyard to see dolphins and manatees. I truly miss the friends I made months before I left. But when people ask me if I miss Tampa, my answer is easy; No.

When people would hear we were moving to Yuma, they seriously thought my husband had done something wrong to get here. No one could believe that he asked to come here.  I would tell them, “We used to vacation in Yuma,” and they would start to laugh. No seriously. I totally know my way around. We moved here just a few weeks before my favorite car show, Midnight at the Oasis.


Even now when I meet people from around the base, the first thing they do is complain. “Welcome to Hell” was a sentence we heard more than enough times when we first got here. We just laugh and listen to them complain and then when they ask how we like it here, we always say the same thing, “We love it here!” And it’s true. We have done more things in the 3 months we have been here that we ever did while we were in Tampa. We explore. We go off-roading. Last week, my husband and I went hiking all day. And did I mention for that the first time in almost 10 years we live within driving distance of home? I’ve seen my parents almost every weekend. I used to see them every few months, maybe. We have seen our friends. One of our friends actually already came out here to visit us. And he’s already making plans to come back.

Being happy is all about finding the best in your situation. And I feel like crap saying that after I just bashed Tampa. But we really did make the best of it. It just took a little time for us to make the best of it. But, I am pretty damn happy here in Yuma. I feel like I am meant for desert living. I say that now before the temperatures are around 130 degrees, but really. Sometimes when we are out rock hounding my husband will be hammering rocks and I will just sit there and stare out into the desert. I listen to the wind, I feel the beating sun on my shoulders (super tan shoulders) and I am just happy. I’m happy to live here. I’m happy to live in such a tiny place that I can ride my pink beach cruiser around to get the mail or go to the grocery store. I am happy that my daughter gets to spend so much time with her grandparents. I am happy that my husband found new hobbies. I am happy that he’s happy. People look at photos I post of us and they say, “Arizona looks good on you.” Yes, I think it does.


So let’s get to the crafting part because you know that’s what makes me really happy. So I finally got settled and opened my shop again. I was getting a few people asking me to paint things, do the normal stuff. Then one day while we were checking out an old abandoned mine, I found a super cool shiny rock. My husband said, “Wow! That’s the find of the day.” Little did we know it would get better. We walked around to the other side of this hill and the ground was littered with these little guys.


These are rose quartz. It’s hard to tell but they have a purple or pink hue to them. When I saw these, the first thing I saw were a pair of earrings. Now, when we first got here we bought a rock tumbler. After I found these I told my husband we needed another one.


Out came these beauties. Can you believe that those are the rocks I found? How awesome is that? And with those i made…..


A super one of a kind pair of earrings. I found the rocks, I tumbled them, I wrapped them and made them into earrings. So super cool.


I made these with quartz that I found that hasn’t been tumbled. Just a couple of rocks I found turned into a beautiful pair of earrings.

Then of course we were in Quartzsite (a town you may have heard of) and we happened upon a gem/rock store and I bought a bag of rocks. These have already been tumbled but still, pretty one of a kind.


I was there for at least 30 minutes picking through the rocks trying to find “pairs”. So keep your eyes out on my Facebook page in case you want to buy a pair of earrings. Hoping to make a couple sets with a rock pendant necklace too.

The main idea of this post? I’m a pretty happy gal. I got my family and my rocks and “that’s all I need.” (The Jerk)

A Featured Artist (sneak peek)

If you are a Facebook follower you have seen that I was planning on featuring a fellow artist friend of mine. That time has come. And if you are a blog follower you get a sneak peek of what’s to come.

First, my friend is Jackie. She is a fellow military wife and stay-at-home mom.  She is new to the crafting world but is already making her mark selling to her friends and family and having a couple booths around the base we live on. Her big seller is earrings but she also makes other jewelry and bookmarks. Her items range in price from $15-$25 and those prices all include shipping.

The way it’s going to work is this…

*May 3-May 11 Jackie will be a featured artist.

*All of her items are going to be displayed in an album on my Facebook page.

*It is going to be a BUY IT NOW type sale.

*All purchases must be made through PayPal and paid for by 5pmPST the day you ask for them.  Her email address will be displayed on each picture so there is no wondering where to send the money.

*If you want to purchase something, comment that you are buying them and send your money.

*If you do not pay for your items by 5pmPST that day, they will be re-posted for someone else.

*All items (regardless of sale date) will be shipped Monday, May 13th.

I am not taking any sort of commission from Jackie’s sales. I will however, add a coupon in each envelope for a discount on your next purchase from Me. I just ask that you LIKE my page and continue to follow me and see what else I have to offer. But this feature is just about helping out a fellow artist. We all need somewhere to start and with my 350+ fans I thought this was a great way to get the word out about Jackie before she ventures off into the world of Etsy or other crafting sites and/or businesses.

So here are a couple examples of what’s to come starting Friday. Orders will not be taken until Friday and only from Facebook.



The next ones are made from spoons. So awesome! So creative!


And then an example of a bookmark.


Hope to see you later for the feature!

In a Nutshell

Okay, it has been WAYYYYYYY too long since I wrote an entry. I won’t bore you with the details, but lets just say that it’s taken me a bit longer to get back to Life. But I am happy to say that I am back, feelin’ good, and ready to be back in the swing of things in the crafting world.

If you aren’t a fan of my Facebook page (you’re missing out) you missed that my Etsy page and Facebook page are back up and running. A couple weeks ago I officially reopened Chrissy’s Creative Creations! I am so excited. I have a photo album that gives everyone the gist of what I do and what I love. A lot of you have seen some great examples of my work but in case you haven’t, here it is.


Custom art is one of my most favorite things to do. I have created pieces for my customers for their kitchens, kids room, and outdoors. Most recently, the stick figure families have become a huge hit (it’s the photo on the top right). I make each family member to look like they do in real life. I use details like favorite colors or favorite activities to make them special and unique.

baby items

The picture says it all, but these are handmade baby items. The changing pads are made with a double layer of felt on the inside to make them super soft for your little one. The breastfeeding covers resemble an apron without the tie in the back and they velcro on the top for easy on and off. The burp cloths are also made with felt and are washed prior to shipping for easy and quick use and softness. Each item, except the plastic wipe container, is machine washable and dryer safe. Even the pillow can be washed. Currently, I have a couple changing pad and wipe holder sets for sale and the owl baby set pictured, but these are usually custom made. You just tell me colors, baby room themes, and any other details and I work my hardest to find the perfect fabric.


Jewelry, jewelry, jewelry. So much fun!! I always have something in the jewelry world made and ready to ship. But custom is my favorite. Just ask!

kitchen items

I love to make custom items for kitchens. I hear that here in Yuma these will be a hot seller with some of the folks living in their RV’s. I need to make a bunch and get the word out. Only problem with that is all the people in their trailers are headed out now, headed to cooler parts. Oh well. Next season.

I have a few place mat sets available for purchase but again, mostly custom to match your kitchen. I do have a bunch of pot holders and coasters for sale. I made those from scraps and just keep them on hand. Place mats are made with your favorite fabric and a piece of felt inside. Totally machine washable.


And last, I love to try tons of new things. Whether it’s something I find on Pinterest or just something I think up, I will try almost anything.


Ways to contact me…

* Here. Shoot me a comment and tell me you would like to order something!

* Facebook. The business pages actually have their own email now. Head over to the page and click on MESSAGE.

* Email. Emailing is the best. chrissyscreativecreations@gmail.com

* Etsy. etsy.com/shop/Gwenniesmom I don’t have too many things listed right now, but the most popular ones are there.

I send out invoices for all my orders and I prefer to do that via email. So when you contact me please include your email address. I also love to text so if you are comfortable with that, email me your number and we can converse that way. That works great when I am trying to get a drawing or piece of jewelry just right. It’s so easy to snap a quick pic and send it to you to see if it’s what you want.

As far as payment, I prefer paypal because it’s super easy. I do take checks but just keep in mind that I do not start a project until the check has been cashed. I take credit and debit cards as well. I do NOT accept cash unless you are local and bring it to me (or I’m at a show).


I am always looking for new projects and new fans and ways to get the word out about what I do. I appreciate every one of you for following my blog and would love for you to follow my Facebook. Share my posts and photos and keep up to date with everything. There is always something new going on with me and my art. 🙂

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